Research and intervention in Education and Training


This degree aims to educate young people in order to participate proactively in the fields of education and training. These fields are considered in a vast sense, including not only school-context educational phenomena, but also non-formal ones, as well as development and learning processes in work contexts.

This is a degree which promotes the understanding of the complexity of education and training phenomena, seeking for students to develop competences that allow them to perform in various modalities of education and training not only within the educational system, but also in cultural, social, welfare, economic, justice and health-related organisations.

So it is about providing an education with a great scope of activity, while at the same time addressing specific aspects to intervene in the above-mentioned fields, with different publics – children, young people, adults and elderly people.

This Bachelor Programme is also meant for international students.


More than 50% enter
the Programmeas a 1st option


23% of students from abroad


Higher than the national average
(rate of 94%)

Programme Goals
  • Acquiring knowledge in the field of education and training that allows us to understand educational contexts and phenomena;
  • Applying knowledge in the fields of education and training, in work contexts;
  • Diagnosing problems, needs, resources and opportunities for educational intervention in groups, organizations and communities, based on investigative processes and on a critical and creative reflection;
  • Participating and cooperating with other professionals in creating, developing and evaluating projects, programmes, devices, activities and resources related to education and training, in institutional contexts, organizations, structures and services with both formal and non-formal education;
  • Participating in the identification, organization and systematization of empirical, qualitative and quantitative data, aimed at producing scientific studies, documents, reports and opinions in the context of education and training;
  • Developing habits of work and competences that allow lifelong learning.
Professional Opportunities

Technical Senior in Education (Education, Higher Education and Science, and councils) and Technical Senior in Training (Employment and Social Welfare). Carrying out activities in central, regional or local educational organisms, schools of different modalities and levels of teaching, and vocational training organizations.


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