Once upon a time there was a fish called codfish … For a sustainable use of marine resources
Cláudia Faria
Cecília Galvão
Isabel Chagas
Maria João Mogarro
João Piedade
Nuno Dorotea
Filomena Rodrigues
Beatriz Condeço
Stefania Brito
Mara Nóbrega
The project proposes the creation of a digital pedagogical resource involving a set of memories, related to cod fishing, with traditional and modern vessels and fishing gear. Based on this resource, we aim to create a pedagogical guide for exploration, target to schools, which promotes the deepening of issues related to sustainable fishing, climate change and its effects on the oceans, and the preservation of marine species.
This project has as its main goals: to promote culture in its various dimensions (scientific, historical, environmental, technological); enhance the identity and heritage resources related to cod fishing; promote environmental awareness and respect for marine diversity; promote greater knowledge about the sustainability of fisheries resources. It also has as its main specific goals, the promotion of ocean literacy by citizens in general and young people in particular, namely acting at the level of principle 5 – The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems, and the Principle 6 – The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected, out of the seven Essential Principles of Ocean Sciences.
To achieve these goals, we intend to create a digital resource, consisting of statements, testimonies, life stories of people working on the traditional cod fishing. These personal narratives will be available as digital narratives, including image, sound, text, photographs, in a computer-readable form (computer, tablet, mobile, etc.), which can be pedagogical explored in a school context.
This project has the collaboration of the Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo.
18/01/2021 – 17/07/2023
EEA Grant 2014-2021 – Blue Growth Programme (SGS #3) – Support for Education Initiatives – Ocean Literacy
Reference: PT-INNOVATION-0036
Project funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants.
Digital educational resource “Once upon a time there was a fish called cod…”
The digital educational resource “Once upon a time there was a fish called cod…” involves a set of memories related to cod fishing, exploring different dimensions associated with the theme: History and Culture, Life on Board, Biology, Fishing and Sustainability. Based on this resource, different challenges are proposed for the didactic exploration of the themes. The resource is free to use and is aimed at school age students, in particular students in the 1st and 2nd cycles of schooling.