Co-constructing the continuum between initial teacher education and continuous professional development

Co-constructing the continuum between initial teacher education and continuous professional development
Neuza Pedro
Ana Pedro
Hélia Oliveira
João Piedade
Nikoletta Agonács
ContinueUP is a new 3-year project that started in June 2023. The project includes 8 core partners in the consortium consisting of three universities acting as ITE providers (University of Zagreb, University of Lisbon, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I in Madrid), two national ministries of education acting as national CPD providers from Croatia and Spain, as well as a regional department of education and a regional training centre acting as regional CPD providers (Portugal). The 8th member of the consortium is European Schoolnet which acts as the coordinator and as a European CPD provider. The core consortium is further strengthened by associate partners aiming on the one hand to support the work in the core partner countries, and on the other hand to expand the geographical reach of the project. Associate partners include the Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency, and the Danish National Knowledge Centre for e-learning at Aarhus Business College, as well as six Ministries of Education from Portugal, the Czech Republic, Hungary, France, Greece, and Turkey
12/06/2023 – 11/06/2026
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action 2 – Erasmus+ Teacher Academies
Grant Agreement N.° 101103641