European Research into Higher Education: portrait of trends within ECER Conferences
Mariana Gaio Alves
Andreia Veiga
Maria Filipa Almeida
Jorge Ramos do Ó (Consultant)
Jani Ursin (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Andrea Galimberti (Bicocca University Milan, Italy)
Chris Kubiak (Open University, UK)
Christine Teelken (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Georgeta Ion (Universitát Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Liudvika Leisyte (TU University Dortmund, Germany)
Patrick Baughan (University of Law, London, UK)
Rosemary Deem (Royal Holloway University of London, UK)
Serap Emil (Middle East Technical University – METU, Turkey)
The project will analyse symposium presented at ECER conferences within network 22 over the last 10 years, in order to enable a systematic overview of its inputs to this field of research. Thus, it is expected to contribute to further European educational research in three different ways:
- the proposed project corresponds to an exercise of analysis, reflexivity and awarding visibility, based on the assumption that deepen knowledge about the research that has been conducted benefits the enhancement of quality research that is at the core of EERA’s mission statement;
- providing an overview of themes being addressed, theoretical and methodological approaches most and less chosen by researchers over the years is expected to pave the way to the development of even more relevant research for the benefit of education and society, as it is EERA’s goal;
- mapping cooperation between researchers – exploring which countries are represented in symposium and looking at which national cases are discussed – enables to grasp the European dimension of both research being presented at ECER conferences and higher education changes in different countries and regions.
01/02/2024 – 31/01/2025
EERA – Network 22 – Research into Higher Education