
ICSE Science Factory

Researcher in charge

Mónica Baptista


Iva Martins

Nuno Dorotea

Pedro Reis

Rita Alves

Sílvia Ferreira

Teresa Conceição


The project aims to implement a set of actions that will help boost students’ motivation to pursue scientific careers, as well as their scientific literacy. The consortium includes higher education institutions, enterprises, non-formal education providers, schools and community institutions. The project envisages partnerships between various sectors (e.g. with companies) and the organisation of joint activities, open to school audiences and the community in general, to disseminate science and promote scientific careers. The general aim of the project ICSEfactory is therefore to promote science education initiatives, in formal and non-formal contexts, aimed at various target audiences (children, young people, adults, families).

Development period

01/01/2023 – 28/02/2026

Source of funding

European Commission
Horizon Europe – HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-70 (Open schooling for science education and a learning continuum for all)

Grant Agreement N.° 101093387

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