
Exploring how to build a joint European Campus based on innovative educational initiatives of research-intensive universities to provide students with transferable skills needed to face future challenges

Researcher in charge

Carolina Carvalho


Ana Paz

Mariana Gaio Alves

Marta Almeida

Tatiana Sanches


IE-ULisboa is responsible for the national coordination of the project InnovEd4TS on the development of transferable skills in European university environments, which involves universities at Denmark (Aarhus Universitet, coordinator), Belgium (Université Catholique de Louvain), Norway (Universitetet i Oslo), France (Université de Paris) and Germany (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).

This strategic partnership project aims to analyze a set of successful teaching initiatives at each university in the consortium and to understand how transferable skills can be developed and expanded alongside specific disciplinary knowledge. In the long term, it is intended that the ideas obtained through the project are translated into joint initiatives within the consortium, creating a European Campus where students are more inclusive, develop European and global citizenship, as well as transferable skills.

The objectives of InnovEd4TS are threefold:

  1. To conduct an analysis of innovative teaching initiatives in light of the transferable skills they foster. Given the current consensus on the importance of these skills in the education of future generations, universities must further reflect on what these skills actually are and how they can be taught and evaluated among students.
  2. To inform and inspire university educators and other teachers as well as educational developers on opportunities for scaling up these initiatives and creating inter-university educational paths.
  3. To provide a stepping stone for the creation of a European Campus under the aegis of the aforementioned university alliance.
Development period

01/09/2019 – 31/12/2022

Source of funding

Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action type: Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Project Reference: 2019-1-DK01-KA203-060281


To create an Open Online Education Repository, that will be an interactive online tool aimed at providing inspiration for new teaching initiatives that foster transferable skills at universities across Europe. The initiatives analyzed in the project will be fed into the repository as a point of departure, after which it will be possible to add other initiatives that can serve as inspiration in the years to come.

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