Contribuições para a formação contínua de professores(as) do primeiro ciclo do Ensino Básico a partir do seu envolvimento em cenários para investigação
Contributions to the in-service education of primary school teachers from their engagement in mathematics landscapes of investigation
Guilherme Henrique Gomes da Silva
João Pedro da Ponte
My research objective is to understand from the perspective of Critical Mathematics Education how in-service primary school teachers using a methodology of landscapes of investigation are involved in the study and development of teaching activities. In order to achieve the general objective of this study, specifically, we propose
- Objective one (O1): to verify, in the international context, the current scenario of research in mathematics education aimed at training primary school teachers to work with investigative tasks;
- Objective two (O2): to analyse how primary school teachers learn, from a practice of continuing education, to produce tasks based on landscapes of investigation and develop them with their students;
- Objective three (O3): to identify continuing education dynamics that favour primary teacher learning related to the creation of tasks based on landscapes of investigation in mathematics classes;
- and Objective four (O4): to analyse changes in the teaching conception of primary school teachers related to mathematics, based on their involvement in continuing education practices and development of tasks based on landscapes of investigation.
We use a case study methodology with a qualitative approach. To reach (O1), we will conduct a detailed review of the current literature in the international context in mathematics education aimed at training primary school teachers. To achieve (O2), (O3), and (O4), we will analyse teacher engagement in a continuing education practice aimed at Portuguese primary teachers. In this practice, developed in 75 hours, we will explore the creation and development of pedagogical tasks based on the landscape of investigation in mathematics classes. The data will be obtained through the formative practice. The method of data collection will be participant observation, using video and audio recording, notes in the researcher’s field notebook, and semi-structured interviews. We will use category content analysis to analyse the data.
01/03/2024 – 28/02/2025
Comissão Europeia
Horizonte Europa – HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01
Grant Agreement ID: 101103353