Introduzindo a Educação Inclusiva na Formação Inicial de Professores através do Estudo de Aula
Introducing Inclusive Education in Initial Teacher Education through Lesson Study
Marisa Quaresma
Ana Cruz (Doutoranda)
Bianor Valente
Catarina Delgado
Cláudia Faria
Fátima Mendes
Fernanda Santinha (Doutoranda)
João Pedro da Ponte
Linda Cardoso (Doutoranda)
Marcos Onofre
Margarida Rodrigues
Maria Martins
Mónica Baptista
Paulo Maurício
Raquel Vieira (Doutoranda)
Sílvia Ferreira
Teresa Conceição
This research project aims to explore the potential of lesson study for the development of pre-service teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), with a major focus on Inclusive Education, and the necessary adaptations of this formative process for initial teacher education in several subjects, from primary grades (1-6) to secondary grades (7-12). The project will promote and analyse lesson studies in Mathematics, Biology/Geology, Physics/Chemistry and Physical Education.
The object of interest is the development of the PCK of future teachers, with a focus on Inclusive Education, in terms of: 1) lesson planning, with special attention to the aims, diagnosis of students’ knowledge, structure and flow of the lesson taking into account the interests and needs of all students; 2) design of tasks suitable to promote all students’ learning; 3) knowledge of the strategies and difficulties of different students working on the tasks; 4) handling classroom communication, with emphasis on moments of whole-class work valuing what each student can do; and 5) observation and evaluation of students’ learning, focusing on the idea that each student should have the opportunity to reach the maximum of his/her potential.
The project involves four higher education institutions: IE-ULisboa, FMH-ULisboa, ESE de Lisboa and ESE de Setúbal. In addition to researchers from these institutions, the project also involves doctoral students with experience as mathematics, science or physical education teachers.
06-01-2025 a 05-07-2026
FCT, I.P. (2023.11995.PEX)