
STEMkey – Teaching standard STEM topics with a key competence approach

Researcher in charge

Mónica Baptista


André Silva

Teresa Conceição


The STEMKey aims to transform (future) STEM teachers’ grasp of teaching standard topics. We will rethink and reshape the delivery of fundamental STEM subject knowledge in the context of key competence development, create teaching modules to be used in higher education programmes for future STEM teachers, covering all STEM disciplines, each module applying various tested and proven innovative educational approaches, such as inquiry based learning or real-life contextualisation. The consortium gathers higher education institutions from 12 European countries, covering all STEM disciplines and featuring strong expertise in competence-based and student-centred STEM education research and practice.

The project addresses the following main target user groups:
1. Future STEM teachers (students in initial teacher education (ITE) programmes)
2. Higher education teaching staff involved in STEM ITE
3. Decision-makers and lead positions, e.g. rectors, deans, heads of STEM education departments at partner institutions
4. Staff responsible for curriculum design and course programs of partner institutions.

STEMkey tops its impact off with a deliberate dissemination strategy, involving multiplier events across Europe, a summer school in Portugal, social media measures, provision of explanatory online videos and a Partnership Platform.

Development period

01/09/2020 – 31/08/2023

Source of funding

Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Project Reference: 2020-1-DE01-KA203-005671

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