UIDEF – Education and Training Research and Development Unit

UIDEF, based at the Instituto de Educação, is the organizational structure for research in education of the largest Portuguese university, Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa). It is the reference institution for educational research in Lisbon and includes a significant number of members from other higher-education schools, from other faculties of ULisboa and from elsewhere.

The overriding purpose of the research carried out at UIDEF is to yield a multidimensional understanding of educational organizations, processes and actors, diagnosing problems and needs, and to provide relevant inputs for a knowledge-based transformation of education systems and practices.

This general purpose will be achieved through the development of research focused on four core lines of inquiry: [RL1] Technologically Enriched Learning Environments, [RL2] New Dynamics of Professional Induction, [RL3] Empowerment of Educational Communities for Inclusion and [RL4] Transformations in the Governing of Education.

Research within UIDEF is currently organized in three Research Groups in close relationship to the PhD programs offered at Instituto de Educação as well as to ongoing research projects, nationally and internationally funded. The three Research Groups are: (i) Education and Training Policies, (ii) Curriculum, Teacher Education and Technology, and (iii) Didactics.

Currently there are research projects under way which are funded by national and international agencies such as the European Commission and the European Union (including H2020, Erasmus +, Cost), the Foundation for Science and Technology. There are also several partnerships, namely with Brazilian entities, and applied research contracts with various official organisms, associations and private entities.

UIDEF – Research and Intervention Unit in Education and Training is the Instituto de Educação’s research unit.

Research in Education is a central, vitalising activity of the Institute and is carried out in close association with the post-graduate educational offer, especially PhD studies, and with community intervention and public policy support actions.

Currently there are research projects under way which are funded by national and international agencies such as the European Commission and the European Union (including the 7th Framework Programme and the Socrates, Comenius and Leonard da Vinci Programmes), the Foundation for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education and Science. There are also several partnerships, namely with Brazilian entities, financed by the CAPES/FCT Agreement, and applied research contracts with various official organisms, associations and private entities.

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