Scientific Coordination

Introduction and course goals

This Master Programme aims to prepare professionals for educational intervention, particularly as regards non-formal education, involving different publics – children, youth, adults and the elderly. Its scope includes intervening in multiple contexts, not only of an educational nature, but also in cultural, social, welfare, economic, justice and health-related contexts.

It aims to further the following professional skills:

  • Intervening in the definition of educational policies and priorities, in structures and bodies for thinking, consulting, planning and managing educational systems, namely non-formal ones;
  • Diagnosing problems, needs, resources and opportunities for educational intervention in groups, organizations and communities, based on investigative and reflective processes, to have an emancipatory and innovative understanding and performance regarding the identified problems;
  • Creating, managing, implementing and evaluating projects, programmes, devices, activities and resources related to education and training, in organizational contexts, structures and services with non-formal education;
  • Coordinating and participating in multidisciplinary teams, and collaborating with other professionals in social and cultural development processes;
  • Intervening in the management of organizations with educational areas, namely non-formal ones;
  • Producing scientific studies, reports and opinions, as well as providing consultancy, in the scope of educational initiatives and policies oriented towards social and cultural development.

Target Groups

Holders of a Bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent in the field of Education and Training or other areas of the Social Sciences and Humanities;

Holders of a foreign higher degree granted following a 1st Cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State acceding to this Process in the fields of Education/Educational Sciences;

Holders of a foreign higher degree in the field of Education/Educational Sciences that is recognised by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Education as complying with the objectives of the Bachelor’s degree;

Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Education as certifying the ability to carry out this study cycle.

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