
Migrations are an increasingly important phenomenon in demographic, economic, psychological, social and political terms, at different geographical scales: from the world to a place.

The Strategic Field of Social Sciences of the Universidade de Lisboa gathers a group of organic units with great experience and recognised merit in the study of human mobilities in the light of different disciplinary perspectives (Faculdade de Psicologia, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Instituto de Educação and Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território/Centro de Estudos Geográficos).

The doctoral programme in Migrations, a scientific and pedagogic project of the Strategic Field of Social Sciences of the Universidade de Lisboa is a joint programme of the organic units in this area and grants a doctoral degree in the fields of knowledge of Anthropology, Political Science, Education, Geography, History, Psychology and Sociology.

Applications to the Doctorate Programme in Migrations (3rd call – 2019/2020)

The call is open between December, 31st 2019 and January, 31st 2020.

Notice and application informations here.

Informações Úteis Horarios
Seminário de Investigação
Plano de Estudos
Dúvidas frequentes


Datas e condições de acesso

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