
FAMA (Family Math for Adult Learners)

Investigador responsável

Margarida César (coordenadora da equipa portuguesa)


FAMA (Family Math for Adult Learners) is a research project which aim is to build an European network of good practices and resources to promote the family Mathematics Education in schools over Europe. International studies provide a plethora of evidences showing that family involvement in Mathematics Education is a key element to improve children performances in this topic (PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS). Drawing on this fact, FAMA intends to contribute to the development of quality lifelong learning practices among adult learners (parents) in order to promote high performance, innovation and a European dimension in systems and practices in this field (specific priority).

FAMA will create a European public database (with resources, examples of good practices, etc.) to promote networking and encourage schools and other stakeholders in education to implement these experiences.

FAMA work would be framed by a theoretical and methodological perspective based on a social justice approach (making special consideration for vulnerable groups, such immigrant, working class families. Gender will also be a transversal variable to have in mind (especially because it is a key variable in family education field).

FAMA will also promote a European public discussion regarding family mathematics education matters by organising a European conference, to attract attention to this topic (since it is not a regular practice in Europe). We know (drawing on prior research) that parents who want to get involved in their children mathematics need to go back to their maths.

FAMA would contribute to encourage more experiences of family involvement in mathematics education grounded on scientific criteria and successful prior experiences. This would also contribute to the priority of lifelong learning (in mathematics) of adult learners (the parents). The database would be the platform to disseminate good practices and resources.

Fonte de financiamento

Education and Culture – Lifelong Learning programme – Grundtvig
504135-LLP-1-2009-ES-GRUNDTVIG GMP
