Capa do livro "Mathematics Education and Society: Proceedings of the Second International Mathematics Education and Society Conference - Part 2". Editores: João Filipe Matos, Paola Valero & Keiko Yasukawa

Mathematics Education and Society: Proceedings of the Second International Mathematics Education and Society Conference – Part 2

João Filipe Matos
Paola Valero
Keiko Yasukawa


E. (Rico) Gutstein    9
Reinventing Freire: Mathematics education for social transformation
A. Pais  25
Reinventing school? Reaction to Eric Gutstein ‘s “Reinventing Freire: Mathematics education for social transformation”
K. Brodie  31
Describing teacher change: interactions between teacher moves and learner contributions
M. Belchior  51
Making sense of Mr. Peter classroom
M. Jurdak  56
Equity-in-Quality: Towards a theoretical framework
E. de Freitas  74
Response to “Equity-in-Quality: Towards a theoretical framework”
O.R. Christensen  78
Order of the world or order of the social – a Wittgensteinian conception of mathematics and its importance for research in mathematics education
U. Gellert103
Wittgenstein in support of a social agenda in mathematics education. A Reaction to Ole Ravn Christensen
J. Adler, J. Evans, P. Gates, C. Kanes, S. Lerman, C. Morgan, A. Tsatsaroni, and R. Zevenbergen111
Social Theory and research in MES
A. Brantlinger and L. Cooley113
No teacher candidate left behind – a study of the largest mathematics alternative certification program in the United States
M.C.S. Domite, M.C. Fantinato, W.N. Gonçalves and M. Mesquita118
The social transformation as object of studies and practices
E. Jablonka, U. Gellert, C. Knipping and D.A. Reid122
The production of legitimate text and the stratification of achievement in mathematics classrooms
J.F. Matos, M. Santos, E. Fernandes, S. Carreira, M. Belchior, N. Pedro, H. Gerardo, M. Mesquita, A. Pais, A.S. Alves, T. Faria, T. Silva, N. Amado, J. Amorim and R. Mestre125
Learning Mathematics and competences: Bringing together three theoretical perspectives
K.. Nolan, E. de Freitas, T. Brown, O.R. Christensen, P. Ernest, S. Graham, D. Stentoft, P. Valero, S. Ler an and E. (Rico) Gutstein128
A Symposium on opening the research text: Critical insights and in(ter)ventions into mathematics education
T. Brown135
Conceptualising improvement in curriculum reform: Against consensus
U. Gellert140
Cognitive academic language proficiency in primary mathematics classrooms
S.R.W. Graham144
Developing a complex mathematical learning community: (re)considerations of learning/teaching experiences
Students’ disposition for de-contextualised and algebraic (symbol-based) reasoning in relation to their socio-economic and cultural background in Mozambique
B. Mutemba and E. Jablonka154
The interpretational space in the curriculum: intentions and interpretations of mathematical reasoning in the new curriculum for secondary schools in Mozambique
P. Valero158
In between reality and utopia: A socio-political research agenda for mathematics education in situations of conflict and poverty
S. Anastasiadou167
The effects of representational systems on the learning of statistics between Greek primary school students and immigrants
J. Araújo177
Contradictions in mathematical modelling activities from a critical mathematics education perspective
M. Chartres186
Are my students engaged with critical mathematics education?
D. Chassapis and E. Chatzivasileiou197
Socio-cultural influences on children’s conceptions of chance and probability
H.N. Cury and LN. Ogliari207
Critical mathematical education and STS studies: Approaches to discuss a research
M.C.S. Domite and V. de Carvalho217
Teacher education and culture: understanding and asking for changes
M.C. Fantinato228
Teachers’ practice under the ethnomathematical perspective: A study case in young and adult education
E. Fernandes237
Rethinking success and failure in mathematics learning: the role of participation
C. Frade and D. Faria248
Is mathematics learning a process of enculturation or a process of acculturation?
M. Frankenstein261
Quantitative form in arguments
E. de Freitas272
Enacting identity through narrative: Interrupting the procedural discourse in mathematics classrooms
P. Gómez283
Toward a methodology for exploring mathematics preservice teachers’ learning from a sociocultural perspective
B. Greer293
Discounting iraqi deaths: a societal and educational disgrace
W. Higginson302
Toward a theory of maesthetics: Preliminary considerations of the desirability of bringing an aesthetic perspective to mathematics, education and society
G. Knijnik312
Landless peasants of Southern Brazil and mathematics education: a study of three different language games
C. Knipping, D.A. Reid, U. Gellert and E. Jablonka320
The emergence of disparity in performance in mathematics classrooms
I. Lavy and A. Shriki330
Social and didactical aspects of engagement in innovative learning and teaching methods – The case of Ruth
K. Le Roux340
Relevance and access in undergraduate mathematics: Using discourse analysis to study mathematics texts
S. Lerman and A. Marcou352
Are all studies on equity in school mathematics equal?
A. Llewellyn362
‘Maths with Sam and Alex’: A discussion of choice, control and confidence
R. Machado and M. César376
Broccoli and Mathematics: Students’ social representations about mathematics
J.F. Matos and M. dos Santos386
Activity, artefacts and power: Contribution of activity theory and situated learning to the analysis of artefacts in mathematical thinking in practice
K. Nikolantonakis and Ch. Lemonidis398
Multiculturalism, history of mathematics and schoolbook of the third class in primary school in Greece
K. Nolan406
Theory-practice transitions and dis/positions in secondary mathematics teacher education
A. Pais and M. Mesquita416
If school is like this, there is nothing we can do: some thoughts
A.B. Powell and A. Brantlinger424
A pluralistic view of critical mathematics
B. Savizi, T. Hajjari and A. Shahvarani434
Situated decision making in mathematics education
A. Shriki and I. Lavy444
Teachers as partners for designinf professional development programs
L. Teles and M. César455
Batiks: How to learn mathematics a different way and in a particular scenario
M. Vlachou465
The assessment discourse of teachers’ textbooks in primary school mathematics
F. Walls475
Children talk about mathematics assessment
F. Walls485
“Down in the dark zone”: teacher identity and compulsory standardised mathematics assessment
K. Yasukawa, J. Widin and A. Chodkiewicz495
The benefits of adults learning numeracy
R. Zevenbergen 505
The dilemmas of indigenous education: The passion for ignorance

Editora e data de publicação

Ano de publicação: 2008
Editora: CIEFCUL & Department of Education, Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University